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We are going to visit the kids!

It is time for our annual program delivery trip! Our team (Betsy, Barbara, and Bonnie) will arrive in country around the 23rd of July . We will take a couple of days to adjust to the 11 hour time difference then hit the ground running on the 25th.

We have so much to accomplish on this trip in addition to our usual events. This year, at the very beginning of the trip, the high school kids will travel to Ho Chi Minh City. They will visit the campuses of Phap and Son Trinh, two of our University students. They will have the opportunity to walk around and get a feel for college life, picture themselves there. We will do a little sight seeing with them and let them experience the city. Our hope is that the trip inspires them and also that they have some fun hanging out with us and with the college students.

In Phan Thiet, we are excited to see the houses at the center. The kids had just moved in to them last year when we were there and had not yet settled. We are excited to see the tree planted in honor of Arleen LaBella, our late and beloved board member.

We bring with us two young people; Zoe, a 15 year old on her third visit, and Gisselle, a young adult on her second visit. These young volunteers have paid their own way and are so committed to the kids they have grown to love. They have a few fun exercises and games planned with recognition of self worth being the goal. Our trip is always so energized and fun when young people come with us.

We will do all of our traditional things- the field trip, the BBQ, the fruit party. We will also visit Ham Tan, their old home, and let them see their friends for a day and visit their old stomping grounds. We will visit with kids who have graduated from college and live in that area.

We also have some work to do with tracking progress and setting up potential new programs and will meet with the Government officials to see what can be done. If we are successful, we will give you a complete report on our return.

Mostly, we can't wait to look into the eyes of these special children, to give them big hugs, to celebrate their growth and progress since we saw them last. Every day they humble me with their strength and their grace.

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